Erica Harriss


Senator Harriss co-sponsors resolution rejecting a new graduated income tax

State Senator Erica Harriss is co-sponsoring Senate Resolution 27, which calls on the Illinois Senate to protect the will of Illinois voters and reject any progressive income tax measure introduced in the 103rd General Assembly.

“Two years ago, voters overwhelmingly rejected this tax and it’s important we listen to what the people of our state want,” said Senator Harriss. “Families are already struggling to provide basic everyday necessities and instead of taxing more we should look at ways of bringing relief to working families.”

Senator Harriss joined her republican colleagues at the Capitol this week for a press conference disavowing attempts by the Majority Party to push the controversial proposal once again to shift Illinois from a flat income tax to a graduated income tax state.

In the November 2020 General Election, nearly 55 percent of voters rejected the Constitutional Amendment to allow a graduated income tax.

“We’re hearing a lot about higher revenues in our state from the Governor’s office, which to me means we need to look at ways on how to cut taxes and bring relief to hard-working families and small businesses who are struggling,” said Senator Harriss.

The State’s General Funds base receipts are up $2.034 billion year-over-year, including the one-time federal ARPA reimbursements received earlier in the year. Illinois has the second-highest effective tax rate and the highest corporate tax rate in the entire nation.

Senate Resolution 27 was read into the official Senate record Wednesday and now awaits to be assigned to a Senate committee.

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